Friday, November 25, 2011

Sheba & Blacky/Smokey

Memories of my first two dogs, dream-like and waiting for me to confirm they existed. Obviously, my really young memories are cloudy. For me to consider these two my first dogs, I just have to believe they were.
I have just a few memories of Sheba. We got her from a farm. She was a dark brown, fluffy dog. She was critically injured when my brother rocked in the recliner and didn't know she was under the chair. I remember blood in the back of the Pinto on the way to (I assume) the vet. She was gone.
Not sure of his name, but he was either Blacky or Smokey, a black Lab from the same farm. My only memory of him was before we moved back to Dayton. He must've gotten loose and lost. However, I seem to remember playing outside near some wooded area and seeing him. He seemed laid-back, rooting through whatever it was in those trees.
I don't remember us searching for him. I would think that we would be upset that our dog was lost. Were my parents so non-chalant about dog ownership back then? This is why I wonder if this truly is a memory. Then again, they allowed Coco to come and go.
Why I haven't just asked the question is beyond me. "Hey, did we have two dogs when I was little named Sheba & Blacky or Smokey?" Something holds me back from asking, though. Weird.

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